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Dnia 9/11/2009 wystapilem przez ebay ze zwrotem towaru,sprzedawca wyrazil zgode na chwili obecnej zwodzi mnie emailami ze musial wyslac sprzet do praducenta itp.dzis postanowilem wniesc sprawe do paypala ale otrzymalem pismo i nie wiem co mam dalej zrobic:(
chcialbym odzyskac wlozona (dosc duza 1400euro)kwote prosze o pomoc co mam robic dalej?
oto tresc :
Your Significantly Not as Described dispute for the payment you sent to
Digitalrev Limited on Oct 12, 2009 (Transaction xxxxxxxxxxx) is now

By opening a dispute, you are communicating with the seller, not PayPal,
about this problem transaction. We will email you when your seller posts a
response in the Resolution Center.

To learn more about PayPal's dispute resolution process, log in to your
account and click the “Tutorials” link on the Resolution Center tab.

Deadline: Dec 9, 2009

On Dec 9, 2009, this dispute will automatically close unless you escalate
it to a PayPal claim. By escalating to a claim, you would be asking PayPal
to review the case and decide the outcome.

We will remind you by email when the deadline is approaching. A closed
dispute cannot be reopened or escalated to a PayPal claim.

Thank you,

PayPal Bodzio
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