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Zakupy w UK - Vat i cło po brexit



Czy sytuacja dotycząca zakupów w UK zmieniła się po brexit? Do tej pory nie były naliczane Vat ani cło bo były to zakupy na teranie UE. Jak jest teraz?




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Dot.: Zakupy w UK - Vat i cło po brexit

UK jak na razie jeszcze jest w ue


a wg 


 Following a referendum held on 23 June 2016, ... the UK government has stated its intention to invoke Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (the formal procedure for withdrawing) on 29 March 2017. This, within the treaty terms, would put the UK on a course to leave the EU on, before or potentially after 29 March 2019.



The terms of withdrawal have not yet been negotiated and in the meantime, the UK remains a full member of the European Union.

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