Zakup w UK

Jak wygląda aktualnie w prakryce obecnie procedura dostawy z UK ?

Pod koniec roku dokonałem zakupu sprzętu sieciowego i 14.01 otrzymałem od sprzedającego następującą wiadomość:


"We apologise but due to the ongoing problems with the international couriers and DPD extending suspension of their services to the EU and Ireland for a 2nd time we have additional delays to you parcels 

Statement from DPD / Chronopost

It's been a challenging few weeks for our international operation and our teams have been working round the clock to process your data for parcels bound for Europe and the Republic of Ireland.It has now become evident that we have an increased burden with the new, more complex processes. .In addition to this we are seeing delays and congestion at UK ports and more rigid requirements for channel crossings.

In view of this unprecedented set of circumstances we believe  it is only right to pause and review our road service into Europe, including the Republic of Ireland. We will use this short pause to validate the data we have in our system, reduce the delay and give you the opportunity to give us the correct data we need in order that we can export, from next week, successfully.

 Even though the couriers have had years to prepare for Brexit they are not ready and have rejected and returned hundreds of export parcels to us. We have had to suspend selling completely to the EU and Republic of Ireland until the situation becomes clearer and we are able to start shipping again but I cannot see this being within the January.

Also we would like to remind you may get an additional local tax and customs clearance demand from DPD once the item is on you home country, This may range from 15% to 25% of the invoice value.  We have no control over this and this is due to the UK leaving to EU customs union on January 1st 2020

If you would like us to hold you order until it can be re-shipped this is not a problem but please let us know if you wish to cancel once your item is returned back to us "

Ponoć cła na mocy niedawnego porozumienia międzu EU a UK zostały zniesione ale pozostaje chora procedura odprawy celnej ...

Czy ktoś z Was może coś więcej napisać ?




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2 ODPOW. 2

Zakup w UK

Podczas gdy ceł nie ma ale wg mnie może pojawić się potrzeba zapłaty vat. 


tak czy owak, w global shipping program przy zakupie z uk ebay już pobiera wszystkie opłaty z góry




Od 1 lipca 2021 r. Unia Europejska wprowadza znaczące zmiany dotyczące pobierania VAT od importu do UE, dostaw na terenie UE przez sprzedawców spoza UE oraz dostaw międzynarodowych w obrębie UE. 

  • Zostanie zniesione obecne zwolnienie z VAT od towarów importowanych do UE o wartości do 22 EUR.
  • eBay będzie pobierać i odprowadzać VAT od towarów o wartości do 150 EUR importowanych do UE i sprzedawanych konsumentom.



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Zakup w UK

Czy jest możłiwość otrzymania od firmy realizującej GSP faktury VAT z tytułu poniesionych kosztów importowych ?

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