Problem z refunadcja

Sprzedawca anulowal moj zakup bodajze w niedziele i nie otrzymalem kasy 😕
Placilem przez paypala
Mam jedynie wiadomosc , ze "twoje zamowienie zostalo anulowane" i
W sprawie widnieje
Order total:250 i nic..
Z ebaya dostalen takie info
Thanks for replying with the correct information. I can see the cancellation appears like it has been closed of on our side. However, if these funds have not been reversed we would suggest getting in contact with PayPal to make sure these funds are on the way back to you. I have added PayPal's contact us page here: Let us know if there is anything else at all we can do for you, we would be more than happy to help. Thank You ~ Michaela
Prosze o pomoc bo wydalem duzo kasy na telefon 😕

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