Nie chce mi się zweryfikowac paypal


Wystawiam przedmiot na ( nie na polskim, poniewaz nie ma tu tej kategori, w jakiej przedmiot powinien sie znalesc).

Po stworzeniu aukcji klikam na "list your item" i pojawia mi sie weryfikacja z kontem paypal - wystarczy wpsiac email i haslo. Wszytsko wykonuje poprawnie, system informuje mnie ze wystarczy teraz kliknac na "return to ebay" i gotowe. Klikam i nic. Pojawia sie podglad aukcji i "list your item" poczym klikajac w to, znow musze sie weryfikowac. I tak w kolko, nie potrafie aukcji wystawic. Czy ktos mial taki problem i poradzil sobie z nim jakos?

Zaakceptowane rozwiązania (0)

Odpowiedzi (3)

Odpowiedzi (3)

po wpisaniu email (email bedzie wpisany automatycznie wiec sprawdz czy to ten ktory uzywasz na Paypal do logowania) i hasla do Paypala nalezy klknac przycisk "Return to Ebay" u dolu, pod tekstem (tu niewidoczny) aby sfinalizowac proces weryfikacji.

You're almost done linking your accounts

To complete the process of linking your eBay and PayPal accounts, you must click the Return to eBay button below.




PayPal. The safer, easier way to pay online without exposing your financial information.
For more information, read our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Mam nadzieje ze to pomoze. Zycze powodzenia a w razie problemow sluze pomoca tutaj lub na poprzez system komunikacji Ebay. Piszac przez Ebay prosze odznacz okienko przy "ukryj moj adres email".

Wprowadzono, od 2008, dodatkowa weryfikacje dla sprzedawcow zarejestrowanych w innych krajach, sprzedajacych z komputerow innych niz zwykle lub z innych niz zwykle lokacji a takze jesli zajdzie podejrzenie ze konto jest skradzione. Weryfikacja ta nie dziala jeszcze tak jak sobie by tego zyczono...

"Trusted Selling with Identity Confirmation
One of the ways criminals attempt to defraud people on eBay is by gaining access to member accounts with well-established reputations which they then use to set up listings in that person’s name. They gain this access often through a phishing email that convinces an unsuspecting member to click a link and enter their User ID and password.

To protect the Community against this type of fraud, beginning today, eBay will start noting which computers members typically use to conduct their buying and selling activity. After our data collection phase, sometime in June eBay will begin verifying our sellers when they list an item to ensure they are logging in from the same machines they have successfully used previously – usually a home or business computer.

If you are a seller, and you attempt to list an item from a different computer – for example, from a PC you are borrowing in a hotel or library – eBay will make an automated call to the phone number you have registered with us to confirm it is really you. We may also prompt you to verify your identity in other ways.

Initially, this identity confirmation process will only be applied to selling, although we may be extending this to other high-visibility activity in the future."

Wydaje mi sie ze przeoczasz jedna strone, te na ktorej prosza o wybranie kraju w ktorym masz zarejestrowane konto Paypal (u dolu strony, na niebiesko jest lista krajow z Paypalem)

Attention Sellers:
  Please read. Your response is required.

As a precaution, we have limited the activity on your eBay account until we receive additional verification information from you. We sometimes need to do this to make sure that eBay remains a place where members can buy and sell with confidence.

To have this restriction lifted, you need to become PayPal Verified* and then link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. Once you've completed this process, you'll be able to sell on any eBay site worldwide.

If you're already PayPal Verified, you just need to link your verified PayPal account to your eBay account. For instructions, please click the link below for the eBay site you're registered on.

Australia | Austria| Belgium| Belgium French| Canada| Canada French | France | Germany| Hong Kong| India | Ireland| Italy| Malaysia | Netherlands| New Zealand | Philippines| Poland| Singapore | SpainSwitzerland | Taiwan | United Kingdom| United States| Other

*If you're registered on Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, you can complete verification through PostIdent or ID Verify instead of PayPal. Please click the link for the site you registered on for instructions.

Po kliknieciu na "Poland" przeniesie cie do polskiego Paypala i to powinno wystarczyc. Jesli nie zadziala to radze napisac do Ebay (tam obok jest przycisk kontaktowy) bo wyglada na to ze w systemie maja jakis "GLITCH".

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