Jak nas tu bujają w bambuko.

Otwieram nowy temat, bo e-bay nie dopuścił do publikacji w wątku:


Sprzedawanie za granicę > Kolejne oszustwo ze Szwecji - reuseforu.


tego dowodu, że mają nas w nosie, a na nasze pisma odpowiada komputer.
Stąd są nasze żale, bo tam nikt nie czyta naszych skarg.

Oto 2 odpowiedzi z e-bay na skargę na Szweda, który nie mogąc wyłudzić ode mnie 20 PLN, zrobił to z e-bay.de.
Mnie straszył karabinami Glock 19 i AR-15, a e-bay zamiast zająć się sprawą napisał identyczne pisma "pocieszające" moją osobę.
Różnią się tylko 3 zdaniem, lekko, ale podobnie:
Każde jest podpisane niby przez inną osobę:


Hello Leokadia,
Thank you for writing to eBay and reporting to us the abusive emails you have received from “reuseforu” . My name is Vipin and I will be glad to assist you.
I am sorry to hear you have been treated this way. I understand how upsetting this experience could be and I assure you that we do not allow our users to abuse our messaging system.
I have looked into this matter for you. On the grounds of your report as well as the evidence I have gathered, I have now taken the appropriate action on this user’s account for breaching our Email Messaging System policy.
The action I have taken will have negative impact against their account which ranges from issuing the user an informational alert, a temporary restriction, or an indefinite suspension, among others. Please understand I cannot disclose the specific action I have placed on the user’s account due to privacy matters. If you cannot see the action, it doesn't mean there is none, as most of the actions we take are not immediately visible for other members.
Though I have taken action, please keep in mind this user might still send you another email as you had previous communication with them. If you receive another abusive email, I suggest you no longer respond to it. Instead, you can forward the email to us so we can take further action on their account.
It s also good to know that you have already added this member's username on your block list. They will now be prevented from bidding on your future items.
I would recommend you to add this member to your blocked Bidders/Buyer's list so that they can be prevented from bidding/buying your items in future. Here's the link through which you can set up the buyer requirements:
To learn more information on our Email Messaging System policy, you may refer to this page:
It was a pleasure to assist you. Please write again if you have more questions.

Kind regards,
eBay Customer Support


Hello Leokadia,
Thank you for writing to eBay and reporting to us the abusive emails you have received from “reuseforu” . My name is Jean and I will be glad to assist you.
First, I am sorry to hear you have been treated this way. I understand how upsetting this experience could be and I assure you that we do not allow our users to abuse our messaging system.
I have looked into this matter for you. On the grounds of your report as well as the evidence I have gathered, I have now taken the appropriate action on this user’s account for breaching our Email Messaging System policy.
The action I have taken will have negative impact against their account which ranges from issuing the user an informational alert, a temporary restriction, or an indefinite suspension, among others. Please understand I cannot disclose the specific action I have placed on the user’s account due to privacy matters. If you cannot see the action, it doesn't mean there is none, as most of the actions we take are not immediately visible for other members
Though I have taken action, please keep in mind this user might still send you another email as you had previous communication with them. If you receive another abusive email, I suggest you no longer respond to it. Instead, you can forward the email to us so we can take further action on their account.
It s also good to know that you have already added this member's username on your block list. They will now be prevented from bidding on your future items
I would recommend you to add this member to your blocked Bidders/Buyer's list so that they can be prevented from bidding/buying your items in future. Here's the link through which you can set up the buyer requirements:
To learn more information on our Email Messaging System policy, you may refer to this page:
It was a pleasure to assist you. Please write again if you have more questions.

Kind regards,
Jean A.
eBay Trust and Safety

Wiadomość 1 z 2
ostatnia odpowiedź

Jak nas tu bujają w bambuko.

E-bay nic, a nic nie zrobił, poza daniem oszustowi 20 zł z e-bay.de.

Konto dalej wisi, bez podglądu komu jakie oceny wystawił i jakie on dostał - konto prywatne.

Nic mu się nie dzieje złego, bo e-bay gróźb karalnych nie zgłasza nigdzie.

Ja mam negatywa i spadek wiarygodnosci do 95%


Taka jest różnica między Polką a obywatelem zachodu.


Miałam dawniej oszustwo Włocha na 4 płyty CD, jak stwierdził - dostał tylko pudełka. Straciłam z 400 zł.

Pay Pal jak poinformował w 4 godziny dokonał sprawdzenia i dostał dowody od Włocha, chyba w sposób ponad naturalny, że tak było. Mimo jego maili przez e-bay, gdzie zgłasza najpierw tylko liche jewel case (takie kupiłam w sklepie, aby były nowe) i chce zwrotu nadpłaty za pocztę. Jak się zgodziłam dać na nowe pudełka i nadwyżkę, nagle zgłosił brak płyt CD i zostało to uznane.

Moje skany z wagą paczki, zabezpieczeniem, fotki, itd okazały się zbędne.

Nawet jak mi z litości zwrócił 40% kasy, to dla Pay Pal nie było to żadnym dowodem.

Chyba tylko głupi oddaje kasę za nic. Prawda.

Wiadomość 2 z 2
ostatnia odpowiedź